Aleosha Blog

My English homework: Do online communities really help us to have a great vacation time?

Today we use the internet for planning our vacations. Before the trip we are
often looking for help from “the global brain” – an online travel communities and
forums of different people from around the world. But is it really improves our
travel experiences?

On positive side, posting the question on travel-oriented forum of specific
destination, at, or maybe at, can save us from
waiting in a long queue to specific museum, or from ending an evening in
disastrous restaurant with bad and overpriced food. Moreover, just reading a
questions and answers of other people can help us in planning.

On the other side, it looks like “the global brain” takes from us any possibility
to experience something new or unexpected. The feel of adventure completely
eliminated from vacations organized with “the global brain`s” help. We are just
doing what hundreds of people already did before us.

As outcome from what I wrote above, I think that a people with incline to
adventure should be cautious about following “the global brain” advises and
to consider it`s limitation. But many other can just commit themselves to it.
Because hundreds of people cannot be completely wrong. Or at least, you better
hope that they are not.