Двадцать лет прошло, а байки про Y2K все такие же глупые:
Y2K was 21 years ago. Looking back, I think the only thing we learned is that if a bunch people work really hard to stop a problem from happening, lots of other people will assume it was never really a problem.
— Steve Lieber (@steve_lieber) December 31, 2020
Эта хоть про Unix timestamp’ы знает?
I’ve seen multiple reports of systems being taken down by y2k bugs that were “fixed” back in 1999 by remapping 1900-1920 to 2000-2020, and now it’s 1921
this is the very core, the pure essence, of What’s Wrong With Software Engineering
— badidea 🪐 (@0xabad1dea) January 3, 2021