This is the most impressive CRT vs Sharp Pixels comparison you’ll see today:
Super Metroid (1994, Nintendo) – SNES
Sharp Pixels vs. SNES RGB via Sony KV-27S42
Hope everyone enjoys Metroid Dread today! I don't know how anyone says that Metroid isn't a horror game, because this moment scared the absolute piss out of me as a kid.
— CRT Spooxels 👻📺 (@CRTpixels) October 8, 2021
Just look how Samus has the right bronze color on the right, versus the lemonish one on the left.
The second example is even more impressive. Monster’s eyes were not supposed to be round:
Super Metroid (1994, Nintendo) – SNES
Sharp Pixels vs. SNES S-Video via Sony KV-27S42
♥️🎶Here comes the boyyyy🎶♥️
— CRT Spooxels 👻📺 (@CRTpixels) October 8, 2021