
American Factory

Feel sorry for all the workers in this documentary. American workers earn 27K$ a year. Chinese workers get to see their children once a year, and have two weekends a month. Most of the American managers were quickly replaced with Chinese managers that don’t argue with the CEO. CEO himself is a strange blend of brutal capitalism, superstition and подобострастие before the Communist Party. One of the cringiest moments is him having a portraits of himself, and arguing where a fire alarm should be placed.
Chinese workers have a hymn dedicated to the company, and events where different departments have to dance and sing praising the company. Company workers also get married during the same event. Although the later may be considered a benefit?
Would it be better if GM wouldn’t close its factory? I don’t know. GMs cars were wasteful. Would it be better if Fuyao wouldn’t open it’s factory at all? I don’t know. People in Ohio spent years unemployed. But then they were also not injured at work, I guess?