PC Gaming

Modern Warfare (2019)

There’s a mount mechanic, which I remember mostly from the Battlefield series. While in cover, you can stabilize your weapon, especially LMG. And you can also peek around the corners.
It seems they got rid of the endless waves of enemies.

First indication that this is a reboot, and not continuation of another Modern Warfare – Griggs is alive again. Originally, he died in the ending of Call of Duty 4.

We capture leader of the terrorists who hides inside a hospital. Typical. He’s brought to the embassy, but the mob storms it, and manages to free him again.
Sniper mission is super fun. Bullets actually fly in arcs and you also need to take wind into the account. Absolutely solid.

The plot twist is great as well, I haven’t seen that coming. Turns out we were fighting alongside the chemical terrorists all along.

And I was wrong about this being Syria. In the episode in the past the fathers head turban and poppies point to Afghanistan. Even if you ignore the Russian invasion. But then, father gives his children cellphones. So, it’s an interesting amalgam.

Also interesting that as I child, you can’t shoot straight, because the gun is too heavy.

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