
Shadow and Bone S01

During the flight last week, I finished watching the first season of Shadow and Bone.
British actors cosplaying the Russian Imperial Army? Not as bad as it sounds.
The main plotline is that some time ago a dark mage has created The Fold, which is basically a Chernobyl-like zone full of flying monsters. This Fold is stuck in between multiple countries, and each country needs a way to find a way across it and not to be eaten by monsters.

The better part is that there are more than two sides to the conflict, more than two countries in this world. There’s Ravka, the “Tzarist Russia” that uses mages, there’s some kind of Skandinavish country that hunts them because that’s their religion, there’s England/Netherlands (Ketterdam) and also some Ravkan separatists. And Shu, which is Asians, as Indian Sulu.

The characters and dialogues are quite good. Except for the main heroine, who is basically a Messiah. Foretold by legends, with a unique gift, that would change the world. Honestly, I wish she would just stay a cartographer.

The main problem is that the plotline quickly slides into “Girl picking between Her Childhood Sweetheart and a Dark but Handsome General Mage”. Also, there is a lot of time spent on that magician that can conjure clothes and makeup. I kid you not.

I also liked that the series doesn’t try to preserve characters too much, offing them rather quickly sometimes.
The costume work is impressive, and actors play surprising well, compared to some horrendous works from Wheel of Time. Someone also paid serious attention to the fighting scenes, so those don’t look like people pulling each other’s arms.

Finally, the humor is not spectacular, but it will do: