
Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut

Finished listening to Kurt Vonnegut’s “Breakfast of Champions” about a week ago.
As I mentioned, it is a non-fiction posing as a fiction, most of the fictionary stuff happening in the heads of different characters, either because they mentally ill, or write for a living.
The idea of Dwayne Hoover thinking about everyone else as “unfeeling machine” and only him having a free will is the basic concept of sociopathy. This is the definition of it, as far as I know.
The eponymous “Breakfast of Champions” is just a joke a waitress used to make when serving alcohol in the morning. Substance abuse is yet another novel’s theme.
It was an interesting read, because it’s a “zeitgeist”, a timecapsule of what social issues the author worries about exactly 50 years ago. And by far and large, those aren’t much different from today.