Nintendo Switch

Persona 5 on Switch

Managed to install Persona 5 on my Switch.
I feel like I update firmware on it more than I play it.

At first, I was getting “failed to read NSP metadata”

Fixed that by installing the latest patches. The process is super-shady, as you just copy a bunch of random files you found on the Internet.

Then, had to figure out the Master Key password in Atmosphere:
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, plus

That enables unsigned code installation, since the only NSP available at the moment is converted from XCI.

But it works. And the most surprising thing, it works on Firmware 12.1.0, while the latest is 15.0.0
I’m always afraid of upgrading firmwares on my Switch, as I almost bricked it once already, and lost all my saves in the process.