PC Gaming

Cold War

Black Ops is probably my favorite part of Call of Duty series. At least the first two. And Cold War doesn’t disappoint.

It’s 1981, but we deal with an KGB agent that was active since 1943. Must be quite old by now.
Interesting that there are two perks you can choose at the beginning of the campaign. You can also customise your character a bit. Not a fan, I prefer the approach some other Call of Duty games took, where you switch between predefined characters. But whatever.
We go back to 1968, Vietnam, of course. I like how the weapon choice is more subtle: you’re given M16, but if you look around the base, you can find a Stoner 63 and some other arms.

I’m not sure the part where you pilot a helicopter was necessary.


In any case, it gets show down pretty quickly.


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