The story of Shigurui is a story of rivalry between two young samurai: Gennosuke and Seigen.
Gennosuke is considered the best student of Kogan, until Seigen arrives to the dojo. Being the better student, Seigen is supposed to marry Mie, Kogan’s daughter, and inherit the dojo.
But he can’t keep himself from sleeping with Iku, Kogan’s mistress. Kogan learns about it, blinds Seigen and exiles both him and Iku.
Seigen hunts all Kogan’s students one by one, besides Gennosuke and Gonzaemon. He then manages to kill Kogan. This is all set up as if Kogan attacked first, so Gennosuke’s and Mei’s stipend is taked away as a punishment.
Gennosuke and Gonzaemon challenge Seigen to a honor duel. In the end, Seigen manages to kill Gonzaemon, and cut Gennosuke’s arm.
This is again considered shameful. Gennosuke and Mei are forbidden to kill themselves, and instead left to lead life in poverty.
This is a story where the most positive character, Gennosuke, on orders of Kogan, his master, almost participates in the rape of Kogan’s daughter, and Seigen is considered “brave”, because he refuses to participate.