I played and even finished Fallout as a kid, but…
It was a ripped version, so I didn’t know there were talking heads and even movies in the game until much later. And I didn’t know English that well at the time, so I played with a walkthrough most of the time.
Playing it now, it’s not a complete blank slate, of course. I still remember that Speech and Stealing skills are surprisingly useful, while most others are complete thrash, for example. And it’s lucky that I remember some of the quests, because there’s very little indication of them at all. For example, if I didn’t remember that Tandy from Shady Sands gets kidnapped at some point by raiders, I wouldn’t know this quests exists at all, because you don’t have a good reason to revisit Shady Sands, and even if you do, you specifically need to talk to her father for that.
I plan the game differently now too. As a kid, I would literally hunt every rat and scorpion to maximize EXP. Now, I just fight only if I really need to. Although I must say, the EXP you get from fighting is quite good, so maybe I wasn’t that stupid as a kid.