PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

Finding the Water Chip is not as hard as I remember, even without a guide. Once you get to the Hub, you’re basically being told that it’s in Necropolis. And also you can send a water caravan to Vault 13 from there, if 150 days are not enough. I made it at meager level 5. But just taking the chip is evil, since then ghouls don’t have any water. A better solution is to repair their water pump, and they even point out where you should look for the parts.
And there are two problems with that, considering how old the game is. First, the repair part is tiny, and you need to pixelhunt for it. And second, it’s not called “water pump part” or anything, but simply “junk”. I decided to bring it back only because I ran out of other ideas.
Also, I was wondering how the game explains the transition between the first half, where you look for the Water Chip, and the second, where you hunt the mutants. Turns out, not very elegantly. You meet the mutants in Necropolis (they can even capture you and bring you to their leader, which at this point not very helpful). And once you tell Overseer about that, you’re tasked to eradicate them.

Something like:
– Hey, I’ve seen some Nazis on the street, mom.
– From this day on your task is to assassinate Hitler!