
Dragon Reborn, Robert Jordan

I finished this book probably a month ago, but forgot to take notes about it.
It’s a strange book, with some interesting ideas: mainly that the minions of the local version of Sauron have plans of their own. And the “epic” scope: Children of the Light, for all their importance, show up in just two chapters, and Seanchan are forgotten completely.
Strange, because the trope “Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne get captured” is repeated twice within the same book. This is after “Egwene gets enslaved” was one of the main themes of the previous book as well.
And the trope “Rand thinks he finally killed the Dark One” is repeated for the third time over three books. It’s like Rand never learns.
We’re constantly told how powerful Forsaken are. But then Moiraine just burns one down in an instant with Balefire.
Other than that, it’s very fatalistic. As, all characters are pulled together to the same places over and over again by fate. Even feelings Egwene, Min and Elayne have for Rand are mostly described as a pull of fate. If I’m not mistaken, by the third book Elayne met the guy once, and Min twice, but they all talk about how much they love him.