PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

Barter skill seems to be outright broken. I thought it should bring better prices. It doesn’t.
Lockpicks skill doesn’t seem to be useful at all, as I managed to lockpick all doors until now without leveling it up once, just by trying and trying.


Now, I view this game as sort of a puzzle: mostly trying to figure out the correct order to tackle the quests. Dekker fight seemed difficult at first, as it’s a small room, and most enemies attack the main character. But it’s easier, if you get the combat shotgun first from the guys that hold someone from Brotherhood of Steel hostage. And this becomes doable once you beat the raiders. And this becomes doable once you finish Necropolis.


I remember that as I kid I always feared the encounter with Deathclaw in the caves.


But I either got lucky, or it’s not as bad as I remembered. The poor beast went down on the first try, with the help of Combat Shotgun.