PC Gaming

Outer Worlds

Still impressed by the fact that upgrades change how every weapon looks. A lot of games don’t bother with that at all.
Obsidian sure knows their scifi. Quests here are named “Canid’s Cradle”, “Slaughterhouse Clive”, “Flowers for Sebastian” and “Stainless Steel Rat”
The good thing about loot autoleveling with you: you always find something useful down the path. The bad thing: you don’t have much reason to explore, because… you always find something better later on.

Funny how the locals on Monarch are like “who do we think we are, cannibals? That’s just corporate lies!”, and then there are literally at least two quests dedicated to… cannibals.


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One reply on “Outer Worlds”

> and then there are literally at least two quests dedicated to… cannibals.

That’s just corporate lies!

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