PC Gaming

Modern Warfare (2019)

Completed Modern Warfare (2019).
We manage to kill the Old Terrorist, but the brother-terrorist escapes to St. Petersburg. That’s unexpected.

There is a bunch of “minigames” along the way. One is to cut the wires of the suicide jacket.

Another is to survive Russian torture (nobody told them Russians don’t torture with water).

We meet with Nikolai, another character from the original Modern Warfare. Also, turns out Kyle Garrick is now Gaz. Previous Gaz was I white guy.

That’s also the first mission we actually get to pick our weapons. At least we’re given a choice of three pistols.

Origin shotgun is fun, because it has that distinct handle on the side, and also a suppressor. At the last two missions you are given a lot of cool tools: incediary shotgun, and even minigun. Wish they would give them earlier, though.

Don’t remember when was the last time I was so invested in Call of Duty game. Maybe Black Ops?

We capture Hadir, but almost immediately trade him to the Russians. We then go after general Barkov in his gas-producing plant. Alex decides to “become a hero” and blow the plan himself. Farah manages to kill Barkov.

At the end they mention some old “friends”: “Soap” I remember well, as well as General Shepherd. Had to remind myself who Riley was, though. They also mention Zakaev, so I wonder if we’ll get yet another recreation of the most famous “sniper mission”

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