PC Gaming

Rise of the Tomb Raider

The snow is impressive. Hair is also awesome. Everything else: not so much. Lara looks like Ellen Page.


She’s annoyingly obsessed with her deceases father, talking to him all the time.


The bad guys are called Trinity and are literally Templars from Assassin’s Creed. Their leader is Konstantin, a Russian with a scar. And Ana, Lara’s stepmother, is his sister.
There are remnants of DLCs and lootboxes. So although Lara finds a scrappy Nagant revolver, she imediattely gets access to Colt Python as well. And there is some card-gacha system, which I don’t even try to understand.
It’s funny how trained mercenaries scream “Push her back!” as they see Lara. An one-girl-army.
