Quake visuals and mechanics, Blood style. Level design is quite unorthodox, though. Secrets within secrets, and some of those are hard to find to begin with. And I think some levels contain multiple keys of the same color.
Speaking of secrets, there are different styles of secrets in games. Destructible objects. Explosive walls. Secret walls. Fake walls. Hidden buttons. Shooting buttons. Unpaved paths. Jump secrets. Teleport secrets. Usually, games establish that they’re doing just a subset of those. Quake does maybe 3-4 of those. Duke Nukem 3D or more widely the Build Engine games, which are notorious for their secretes, do most of them. Dusk does all of them.
One one level, there’s a baseball hoop, which is quite an obvious cue. But the baseball itself is found in another secret. The only way I found about this is from a video guide.