The release of Eureka Mignon Libra 65 is a very interesting decision, and not because of the 65mm burrs.
The original Eureka Mignon Libra with 55mm burrs was one of two options for grind-by-weight at home (price range less than 1000GBP). It did a lot of things right: it’s very accurate, and compact.
But it’s ergonomics are terrible. Shitty bean hopper. Dial that doesn’t track the global position of the burrs. The nozzle is to far away, so the grounds fly all over. And there’s no tray to collect them.

As Eureka Mignon in general are quite popular grinders, though, enthusiast 3D-printed solutions for most of those problems. I bought a premium glass hopper from one of Eureka resellers, there’s a dial kit and a nozzle, and also a tray, which I have.
What Eureka did, it seems, is integrated most of those solutions into their new model. Now there’s a better hopper, better dial and a nozzle. They’re only missing the tray now.