PC Gaming

XCOM Chimera Squad

Completed XCOM Chimera Squad.
As I thought, Progeny arc is much easier. At least you don’t have to fight a boss and another super-tough enemy in the same encounter.

A slight disappointment is that you cannot get all of the agents in a single run. I ended up not picking Zephyr and Claymore, and never got to see them in action.
Godmother’s “Untouchable” skill (which existed in XCOM 2 as well) is fantastic. Once she neutralizes an enemy, she gets invulnerability until the end of the turn. But other enemies don’t know it, and still shoot at her, wasting their ammo.
Another awesome skill is Blueblood’s “Faceoff”:

Story is a big letdown. So the entire game we try to “investigate” three different gangs in order to figure out which gang assassinated the mayor. But in the end – none of them. It all was the “evil mercenaries” plot, albeit we hardly heard about them the entire game. And the way we discover that plot is through mercenaries storming the city council in broad daylight. Because… why not?!


Overall, I felt like the game became repetetive far too quickly. Which is a shame.

PC Gaming

XCOM Chimera Squad

There’s a huge difficulty spike at the end of first act. At least if you decide to fight Sacred Coil faction first, as I did. First two fights are easy. But the boss attacks four times, inflicts status, and you also need to beat Gatekeeper, one of the toughtest enemies from XCOM 2. It all came down to luck, when Axiom, my melee brute, knocked down one of the bigger enemies on the first turn. Then Verge was able to “berserk” enemy flamethrower. And the boss simply got stuck on the ladder. Still, it was a very frustrating fight.

The situation with equipment is pretty sad. There is Regular Assault Rifle, Enhanced Assault Rifle and Mastercrafted Assault Rifle (lulwat?). And I’m not even sure those are different in terms of looks. The only bright side is that after completing Act I you start getting some missions with unique weapons available. Those not only look unique, but also have unique abilities.

PC Gaming

XCOM Chimera Squad

An interesting XCOM 2 spinoff. Events take place after XCOM 2. Humanity won, and now humans, aliens and hybrids all live in the same megapolis.
The game is slightly more story driven than the original XCOM.

Game mechanics are mostly focused around breaching. Different points of entry, each granting different bonuses, like extra damage for the first turn.

And we have aliens of all kinds in our squad, which is always fun.

Our squad is basically a SWAT team. So much more emphasis on close combat, and even on capturing enemies alive.

All characters are unique, and loosing one means Game Over. I got woman-snake as my first hire, not because she’s efficient, but because she’s fun to listen to.

The only annoying bit is that enemy reinforcements seem to be endless.