Haven’t played Call of Duty for a few years now, and didn’t feel like I miss much. But decided to give Modern Warfare a try anyway.
For some reason I’m struggling to see enemies in this game. In the first level, there are very bright fires or lights.

Then in the London mission, civilians and terrorists look very much alike. There are no hit indicators, and no crosshair highlighting either. Maybe that’s on purpose, though.

Whole point of London episode, besides re-introducing Price, is to show that Price is willing to sacrifice a single civilian in order to save the others.

There’s no way to compare weapons in-game, it seems, so I tend to stick to the one I am given.

Storywise, US Marines and CIA are trying to capture Russian’s chemical weapon shipment.

But then some version of “ISIS” captures the truck instead, killing most of the marines. Next day, there’s a terror attack in London.

We then join kurds in “Syria”, where Russians are being Russians.

In “Syria” there’s an interesting mechanic to the series where you pick up junk and make silencers out of it. It’s not crafting, but still something I haven’t seen in Call of Duty.
Of course there’s no Modern Warfare without some crawling under a truck or two.

Or lying in the grass without moving.