Completed Orc campaign as well now.
Starting as orcs is much harder. As humans, you get healing spell pretty early, allowing you to preserve your units. With orcs you get… skeletons.
Also funny how with orcs you sent to assassinate chieftain’s daughter, because she ran off with an ogre.
When I played this game as a kid, I didn’t appreciate spiders at all. Now I do. They are a great way to take out enemy catapults, and if they manage to get into the city, they do surprising damage to buildings.
The mission where you need to rescue Garona? Brutal! I did manage to complete it on my first try, but still, lost most of the units because orcs can’t heal them.
A nice trick that AI knows I wouldn’t notice if not for some YouTuber mentioning it, is that human opponent would cast Invisibility on a knight, then send him to hunt peons.
The last two missions are very similar to the Human campaign: survive until you can summons demons, then overwhelm the resistance.
Tag: Warcraft
Warcraft Remastered
Completed Human campaign.
The game is still quite brutal, even with all the advancements in quality of life. You don’t intercept a catapult, and half of your army is dead before you know it.
Counterintuitively, putting catapults in the front of your army works surprisingly well. They are rather sturdy, and extra range allows them to counter enemies early.
Funnily enough, I think that the level before last is harder than the final one. Despite tons of enemies, the base in Blackrock Spire is much easier to defend. Last two levels are basically a Water Elemental factory. You just survive until you get them, then spawn as many of them as possible, overwhelming the enemy.
I still find it awesome that they had a unique sprite for the Blackrock Spire.
Warcraft Remastered
I must admit, an updated version of Warcraft wasn’t on my bingo card for 2024. But here we are.
There is updated control scheme from Warcraft 2, so you can just right click everything. You can also double click to select all units, and you can control up to 12 units at once, instead of just 4 from the original or even 9 from Warcraft 2. As a nice bonus, there is also a seamless switch between the original and updated sprites.
But there is no waypoint system, and no unit queueing either. Still, it’s a much improved experience.
I enjoyed those two videos far more than I should have:
Warcraft (2016)
Сразу скажу, что я не великий знаток lore’а Warcraft’а. Хотя спасал Lothar’а и Garona’у в Warcraft, и наблюдал смерть Lothar’а в Warcraft 2, чего большинство ходивших на фильм сказать не смогут.
Некоторые актеры меня конечно сильно смутили. Эфиопка в роли королевы в первую очередь. Небритый студентик одолевший самого могучего мага – во вторую. Зато очень порадовал Главный Викинг в роли Lothar’а. Был уверен, что это Том Харди, так он хорош. Во-первых, это уже взрослый мужик, со взрослым сыном. Во-вторых, вот видно, что в первую очередь он просто хладнокровный убийца, чем и ценен. Так же очень порадовала Garona. Тут она очень похожа на Zoe Saldana в Guardians of the Galaxy. Хореография у нее слабая, но как раз сыграть ей удалось очень неплохо.
Решил немного переиграть в Warcraft. Самый первый.
Вещи, о которых я помнил смутно:
В игре была резиновая рамка, по ctrl’у. Вот чего не было, так это отрядов по ctrl+1.
Юниты не видят дальше собственного носа. Иначе говоря – дальше трех шагов. Очень утомительно.
У Lothar’а (умрет в Warcraft 2) был собственный уникальный спрайт. Пленные юниты в подземелье не просто стояли, а лежали под одеялами. Ими нельзя было управлять, пока их не вылечишь.