
Ryzen 5900X vs Ryzen 5700X3D and RTX 2070 Super vs RTX 4070 Ti Super

It is quite rare that I get to compare hardware. After all, usually I spend a lot of time investigating what platform to buy, but then once you buy everything, you kind of stuck with it for the next 2-4 years.

But because my CPU started to act wierdly and I managed to RMA it, I decided to buy a new CPU for the same socket instead of waiting a couple of weeks without PC at all.

This is quite amazing, really. A supposedly weaker CPU providing 10% performance right of the bat. the 3D is a gamechanger, literally.

Video card offers a much greater boost, of course. But despite 40% performance boost, I’m actually slightly disappointed, as this is 1440p resolution and not even maxed out settings we’re talking about.

Regarding RMA. I shipped the faulty CPU on the 9th, got approval on the 13th and received a new one back on 18th. So less than two weeks turnaround, which is nice.
As a bonus, because they don’t produce 5900X anymore, I got the slightly upgraded 5900XT 😄