
Persona 4 Animation

Another interesting improvement over the game is that the game is always from the protagonist POV. Here, we get more glimpses into Risette/Rise, and how she quit being a popstart.


One character they added that I think wasn’t in the game is Aya. She was mentioned as the daughter of the owner of the ramen place, and that she goes to the same school.


Until 12th episode, it’s pretty standard stuff. I don’t know what changes (the opening does for sure), but it’s after the 12th episode they’re start messing with the audience, and it becomes spectacular.
The game has a few “bad endings”, where you don’t conclude your investigation fully, the friendships fall apart. And here, they included one of those, but in a way you don’t even understand what’s going on until 10 minutes in it.


Then, the game has a bunch of random characters you need to befriend. And here, they show you all of them, but after you already did, doing a timeskip.