
Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro

Got myself Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro in good condition from eBay a few weeks ago.
I knew it was big, but I didn’t think it would be so heavy, though. They literally put a metal plate in it to make it heavier, which is quite a common practice, AFAIK:

It’s also very tall. Which is alright if you put it in your lap, but less so if you use it to play on PC and put it on your desk.
There are 40 Neo Geo games in total, and those are Japanese versions. So there’s blood in Metal Slug, but also, the names are all kanji.
The emulator is Final Burn Alpha, pretty standard stuff. There are a couple of basic filters. Smoothing uses something like SuperEagle/SaI algo, so it completely ruins mesh details such as Hanzo’s arms in Samurai Shodown.
Since it uses Final Burn Alpha under the hood, there’s also a hack that allows you any game from any of the platforms this emulator supports. Even CPS3. Yes, you can run Street Fighter 3 on it, and it runs smoothly.
Having said that, I will probably sell it at some point, as it takes a lot of space, and doen’t have any advantages compared to my PC and Hori Fighting Stick.


Return of the King

It becomes a good tradition to finish watching an awesome movie or TV series before a flight.
This time we finished Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The battle scenes still send shivers down the spine, even 20 years after.

Didn’t remember that Faromir survives the skirmish. Also, I didn’t remember Mouth of Sauron  at all. Looks like someone from Guillermo del Toro movies.

I liked elephant riders. They looked like someone who is enjoying doing their job well.

I tried not to dwell too much on why Legolas have that feat of climbing up a running elephant, while all the other elves are rather… unremarkable.

The amount of work that went into the orcs in this film is simply astonishing. They are all very distinct and different. Absolutely amazing.

I also liked that moment of astonishment on trolls face. This is literally just a second. Marvel at the amount of attention to details:

When the eagles flew in, I almost cried, for real. It was so moving.

Not sure if that was the intention even 20 years ago, but Merry and Pippin sure look like a gay couple in some of the scenes:

And Frodo evacuation scene looks like helicopter airlift:

When the four hobbits are sitting back in the Green Dragon pub, they look like four war veterans with PTSD.

And when Frodo later in his home, he looks like someone with depression and deeply suicidal.

All those notes aside, this was a fantastic experience. I’m glad we started it.


PC Gaming

Loop Hero

Feels like on of those “idle” games popular on mobile phones. But without the donation part. There’s a character with indirect control.


The only things you can control is the character equipment, and even that works in a weird way. Once you replace piece of equipment, it doesn’t return to your inventory, but simply disappears.


Also, if your inventory overflows, items will start disappearing as well.

There is no experience until later in the game, once you build a specific building. And once you get the experience bar, it doesn’t affect your character stats, but only allows to pick a perk once the character gets a level-up.
So what you do most of the time, when you don’t pick the next piece of equipment, is building the world around the character. You do that from cards that you pick off the fallen enemies. Of course the cards are random. Everything in this game is random. So, you get to pick which enemies you’ll encounter, for example.


PC Gaming

Diablo Immortal

By 49th level finally managed to join a raid for Lassal, and we even beat him. At least now I can stop thinking about it.

Had two legendary items drop from updating a monster entry in the in-game encyclopedia. I’ve beaten bosses for far less.
By 53th level I think there’s another such a slump. Takes a day or two of grind to get to level 56. Encyclopedia gives huge boosts, though.

Got a second legendary helmet, and it’s the same as my first one. That’s just my luck 🤷‍♂️


Samsung Galaxy Note 8

The way I discovered that my Note 8 is “slightly outdated” is when I noticed that my Evernote stopped supporting new features. Turns out it requires Android 10 now, and my Note 8 is still on Android 9. And has been for a while – since August 2021, it seems.
That way, by buying a flagship back in November 2017, I skipped Note 9, Note 10 and Note 20. There was no Note 21, because COVID. If I wished to, I could stay 5 years with the same phone 🤯


Azores, Tuesday

Strangely, there seems to be no fresh milk on Azores. There are only yogurts in the refrigerators, and all the milk is UHT.

Some even suggest asking a neighbour.

Today we are doing the Ribeira do Faial da Terra hike.
We start our hike from a village called Rebentao.
First we climb on a hill with some cows. The views are beautiful. It’s hot, but bearably so.

Then we need to pass a long tunnel to get to the forest. I’m not tall, but I still manage to hit my head on the ceiling, although I was already bent.
In the forest it’s much cooler, with some micro-rain. We reach the waterfall and eat some “bolo de arroz” there.

On the way back we stumbled upon a hedgehog. It was strange to see it during the day, but it didn’t seem to be injured, so we decided not to traumatize it by picking it up.

We go back through the village. Sometimes going down can be as hard as going up. A girl about twelve points in the direction of the parking even before we ask her anything. Probably she see tourists like us every day doing the same hike.

We also spot a gorgeous local cat:

We have dinner in Otaka. Before us there’s a pair that came up a day early for their reservation. Can happen to anybody, I guess.
The dinner is absolutely fantastic.

In the evening we met an uninvited guest:

Although considering the fact this is a house centipede, maybe we’re the uninvited guests there.


Two Towers

Finished watching Lord of the Rings: Two Towers.
There are a few weird elements to it, but I think this comes mostly from the original book. We know that Gandalf falls down with Balrog. But then he tells a story how he fought with it on the mountain peak, and after that was reborn. And he has a new staff. This doesn’t make any sense.

Also, Merry and Pippin drink some water, and then Pippin grows taller. And they are almost killed by a tree? What?

Gollum still looks absolutely fantastic. Which cannot be said about Jar Jar Binks from the same time.

Two of the most impressive roles are Eowyn and Theoden. Great range of emotion, fantastic acting.

Arwen is much more boring and flat, in comparison.

Orc talking like and old British man unhappy with his tea or the weather is a bit strange:

Frodo in this movie becomes Jesus with some anger management issues. Again, I think this is more the problem of the original book than the movie.

Fight with wargs looks great. Helm’s Deep is even better. I don’t remember when was the last time I was so moved by a movie battle.

Even the orc olympian didn’t stop me from enjoying it:

There are some weird parts: Legolas surfing down the stairs on a shield, Aragorn throwing Gimli across the bridge, but overall it’s fantastic. Also, I didn’t remember how important was the role of the ents in this battle. Ents are like the UN. It takes them a lot of time to decide anything.

PC Gaming


What I didn’t expect is that England would be involved in this. Turns out England learned how to collect amrita, philosopher stone. And now the plan to incite a war in Japan to collect more of these, and maybe even conquer Spain.

So glad there’s a simple pause option in this game. I hate games without pause.

There is a ton of game mechanics, and they are introduced all at once. There are stances, that change how fast and how powerful your attacks are. There’s also a “berserk” mode, and a super-move that you can execute once you enter the berserk mode.
How hard is this game? Pretty brutal. It’s not Dark Souls, it’s Bloodborne. It’s much more fast-paced than any of the Dark Souls games. Armor doesn’t do shit, even minibosses finish you in two swings. But there is some kind of parry system against the bosses, and a stamina recovery system. You get most of your stamina back if you press a button at a right time. Also, there is apparenty a combo system that requires you to switch stances in between. A real finger-twister.
Almost dropped the game on the second boss. But turns out the game just doesn’t explain a lot of mechanics. There are healing items. You can run out of them, like Bloodborne and unlike Dark Souls. But at least they are automatically stocked to the max capacity.
Also, you can imbue your weapon, which is also very useful against the boss.


PC Gaming

Modern Warfare (2019)

Completed Modern Warfare (2019).
We manage to kill the Old Terrorist, but the brother-terrorist escapes to St. Petersburg. That’s unexpected.

There is a bunch of “minigames” along the way. One is to cut the wires of the suicide jacket.

Another is to survive Russian torture (nobody told them Russians don’t torture with water).

We meet with Nikolai, another character from the original Modern Warfare. Also, turns out Kyle Garrick is now Gaz. Previous Gaz was I white guy.

That’s also the first mission we actually get to pick our weapons. At least we’re given a choice of three pistols.

Origin shotgun is fun, because it has that distinct handle on the side, and also a suppressor. At the last two missions you are given a lot of cool tools: incediary shotgun, and even minigun. Wish they would give them earlier, though.

Don’t remember when was the last time I was so invested in Call of Duty game. Maybe Black Ops?

We capture Hadir, but almost immediately trade him to the Russians. We then go after general Barkov in his gas-producing plant. Alex decides to “become a hero” and blow the plan himself. Farah manages to kill Barkov.

At the end they mention some old “friends”: “Soap” I remember well, as well as General Shepherd. Had to remind myself who Riley was, though. They also mention Zakaev, so I wonder if we’ll get yet another recreation of the most famous “sniper mission”

PC Gaming

Modern Warfare (2019)

There’s a mount mechanic, which I remember mostly from the Battlefield series. While in cover, you can stabilize your weapon, especially LMG. And you can also peek around the corners.
It seems they got rid of the endless waves of enemies.

First indication that this is a reboot, and not continuation of another Modern Warfare – Griggs is alive again. Originally, he died in the ending of Call of Duty 4.

We capture leader of the terrorists who hides inside a hospital. Typical. He’s brought to the embassy, but the mob storms it, and manages to free him again.
Sniper mission is super fun. Bullets actually fly in arcs and you also need to take wind into the account. Absolutely solid.

The plot twist is great as well, I haven’t seen that coming. Turns out we were fighting alongside the chemical terrorists all along.

And I was wrong about this being Syria. In the episode in the past the fathers head turban and poppies point to Afghanistan. Even if you ignore the Russian invasion. But then, father gives his children cellphones. So, it’s an interesting amalgam.

Also interesting that as I child, you can’t shoot straight, because the gun is too heavy.



Military drama about boredom and loneliness, two elements that are abundant in any army.

Its probably best known for its entry sequence featuring a drill sergeant, and quite similar to “Full Metal Jacket”. Albeit it’s much more ironical.
It’s an interesting perspective on infantry being redundant in modern wars. At one point, Peter Sarsgaard character points out that by the time they finished digging out trenches, the frontline has moved miles away.

And the climax of the film being two snipers sent to snipe two Iraqi officers, and USAF bombing the entire area before they can score a single shot, all their training wasted.

There are some fantastic performances, one by Jamie Foxx (Django Unchained), and another by Brian Geraghty (the kidnapper from Big Sky).
A lot of the reviews talk about how boring and unexiciting the whole movie is. That’s exactly the point.

PC Gaming

Modern Warfare (2019)

Haven’t played Call of Duty for a few years now, and didn’t feel like I miss much. But decided to give Modern Warfare a try anyway.
For some reason I’m struggling to see enemies in this game. In the first level, there are very bright fires or lights.


Then in the London mission, civilians and terrorists look very much alike. There are no hit indicators, and no crosshair highlighting either. Maybe that’s on purpose, though.

Whole point of London episode, besides re-introducing Price, is to show that Price is willing to sacrifice a single civilian in order to save the others.

There’s no way to compare weapons in-game, it seems, so I tend to stick to the one I am given.


Storywise, US Marines and CIA are trying to capture Russian’s chemical weapon shipment.


But then some version of “ISIS” captures the truck instead, killing most of the marines. Next day, there’s a terror attack in London.


We then join kurds in “Syria”, where Russians are being Russians.


In “Syria” there’s an interesting mechanic to the series where you pick up junk and make silencers out of it. It’s not crafting, but still something I haven’t seen in Call of Duty.
Of course there’s no Modern Warfare without some crawling under a truck or two.


Or lying in the grass without moving.



Revenge of the Sith

It gets worse and worse. But each time, it’s worse in a different way.

Why are Jedis suddenly also ace pilots? Why droids shoot missiles that explode into smaller droids that try to break your ship, instead of, you know, exploding, and killing you right away?

There’s a weird scene where a hit starship falls down. And everyone in it falls down too. While the former can be explained by the fact that they fight in the atmosphere, there’s no fucking explanation for the latter. Except that Star Wars is just WWII in space.

All those interactions between R2 and other droids would be fun, except Anakin just cut off the hands of an old man, then decapitated him.

You can break a starship glass by throwing… a spear at it?! Sounds dangerous!
Seems like the whole Darth Grievous plotline didn’t have any meaning at all. Him coughing all the time didn’t affect anything, Obi Wan dealt with four lightsabers quite easily, and the whole Darth Sidius vs Mazafaka Jedi encounter happened not because of Grievous being killed, but because Palpatine told to Anakins face that he’s the Sith Lord.

The only good episode is “Order 66”. And it’s just about 5 minutes long. Sending just two clones to kill Yoda, though? I would expect some orbital bombardment. Since when clone is a major treat to a Jedi?

Obi Wan and Yoda fly in and kill clones at the Temple just for the fun of it, it seems, while “investigating stuff”.

Darth Sidius constantly calling Darth Vader “Lord Vader” doesn’t make any sense either. First, he outranks him, Vader is his padawan. And second, there are just two of them at that point!

The whole last half hour is extremely sloppy. Lucas had years to come up with how those different characters ended up where they ended up. And he came up with… nothing. Yoda just declares he’s going into exile. Padme dying without any reason, just “loosing her will to live”. And Death Star already in progress, because? There are no Rebels at that point.
Oh, and Obi Wan can speak with his dead master… Why is that important?
Finally, can we talk about Obi Wan cutting Vader’s arm and both legs with a single hit? And Sidius having the entire Vader’s outfit ready.

PC Gaming

Diablo Immortal

Bounties are pretty boring, but they do allow to level up pretty quickly, I give them that.
There are no two-handed weapons in this game. But if you play as crusader, one of the rage-modes is a two-handed sword.

Around 35th level you get access to raids of 8 people. Gathering enough players is quite hard. The chat is full of calls for Lassal (which is the name of the raid boss). Reminds me why I hate MMOs.

Of course 3rd episode is Jungle. It’s not bad, though. Fetishes are one of my favorite enemies in terms of the design.

Guess who’ve got two legendary shields of the same type? 🤦‍♂️

Emulation Hardware

RetroTINK 5X

About a month ago got my hands on RetroTINK 5X. What can I say? It’s amazing.
Two main things I ended up missing in my RetroTINK 2X were better PlayStation 2 support and SCART port.
You see, I was planning to buy RetroTINK 2X mainly for Nintendo 64. Which ended up being a huge disappointment.
But PlayStation 2 library proved to be still fantastic. And once I decided to realize my childhood dream and buy a real Neo Geo, it was really a no-brainer.

One of the most interesting features of RetroTINK 5X are the CRT-emulating filters.
You can see some of those cool effects here:

Or here:


Loadout – Real Weapons that Inspired Star Wars Arsenal

Another fantastic video from Loadout and well-known weapon expert Jonathan Ferguson.
This time about the origins of some weapons from the original Star Wars trilogy:

I was surprised that they even mentioned Dark Forces / Jedi Knights games.
Also, I didn’t know that Boba Fett’s pistols are inspired by Webley & Scott Flare Gun. Always thought those are some kind of revolvers.

PC Gaming

About Street Fighter VI

Can’t say I’m too excited about “open world” part, but the fighting part of Street Fighter VI looks absolutely fantastic:

I’m mostly excited about the drunken kung fu fighter, obviously.


Fellowship of the Ring

Another trilogy I have never thoughtfully watched is Lord of the Rings.

And unlike Star Wars, it held the test of time extraordinary well. Even the fights still look pretty solid. Especially the fight with the troll.
Since it’s 12 hours long in total, we’re watching it like a series, one hour at a time. And this works pretty well.
One detail I didn’t remember is that in the first movie Gollum isn’t actually shown. We see his hands and eyes a couple of times, and characters talk about him a lot, but we never see him directly.

Rivendale always confused me. It looks like a nursing home for elves, or an elven hotel.
The sheer aesthetics of some scenes is amazing.


Irish Whiskey Degustation at home

Had a chance to degustate three different brands of Irish single pot whiskey.
Powers John’s Lane Release 12 Year Old Single Pot Still – tastes as if you’re drinking ethanol. Glad I didn’t buy a bottle. The only good thing is that it warms the throat nicely.

Green Spot Single Pot Still – milder, and nicer that Powers.

Midleton Barry Crockett Legacy – had a bit of a nice aftertaste, but for 200GBP a bottle, I honestly expected more.

PC Gaming

Diablo Immortal

Hit my first roadblock at the end of the dessert episode, when the game told me literally that I need to be at level 35 to progress, while my character was only 32.
Also about that time got my first Legendary item. Those are the only items that actually need to be identified in town.
Besides the usual gem system that has been around since Diablo 2, there’s also a new “rank” system, that basically allows you to upgrade different equipment slots. That is, if you level up rank of your shield slot, any shield that you wield will become stronger. Level up everything!
The nice part is that when you equip a new item with sockets, the game will also propose you to transfer your gems to this new item. Very convenient.