I’ve been carrying that thought through the year.
My family always spoke Russian. And I have been writing my blog in Russian for 20 years. But since the war started, it became obsolete.
What’s the point of writing about games in Russian, if most of those that stayed in Russia soon won’t be able to afford playing them?
Then, a lot of the people I spoke with during those 20 years turned into fascists. All that talk of “liberating Ukraine from Nazis” that I started hearing from housewives and amateur photographers that actively dodged army service made me sick. Even sicker made me some Russian speakers from the States, that “trusted only Russian MoD” and started claiming how Kyiv will fall every day now, and that Zelensky has already escaped to Moldova/Spain.
I knew those people were nostalgic about USSR, had half friendly banter with them about it for years, all that “tastiest icecream in the world” kind of stuff. All that talk that “USSR had to invade Finland to protect itself from Hitler”, “USSR had to invade Afganistan to protect itself from the US”, and “did you know jews in Israel even made a medal for Hitler before WW2 started”.
But I always assumed that if a real war started, if somehow USSR would ever come back, they would immediately understand.
It did, it did, and they didn’t. They happily embraced the war and “you should have kept the President we chose for you” narrative.
So, there’s no point in writing in Russian for me anymore. I’m not interested in that audience. So, that’s why for a year now, it’s English for me.