
Three Body Problem, Liu Cixin

Finished listening to Three Body Problem.
Von Neuman Human Formation Computer was one bit that I found funny. The idea that if you had infinitely organized civilization, like ants, you could build a “computer” from all of them.
Other than that, I found the story to be quite boring. The premise seems to be interesting: imagine Mayans discover that Spanish are headed their way, a civilization that is much more powerful than they are. What would they do? Some would resist, futilely. Others would welcome them, in hopes that a higher civilization would help fix the flaw of their civilization. And maybe some even would think that their civilization is not worth saving. Now replace Mayans with humans, and Spanish with that alien race and you got the second part of the book.
The story takes another turn to the weird with nine-dimensional-proton arc. Ironically, the idea of higher-dimensional being is not new. No other than Lovecraft was exploring it some hundred years ago. Maybe this is novel to someone, though.
Since the author is Chinese, all the main characters are Chinese as well. Besides the guy that wants aliens to destroy everyone. He’s an American, obviously.
Another nice bit is cutting a tanker with a nanowire. Because it ties up nicely with a joke made at the very beginning of the book.


Three Body Problem, Liu Cixin

I’m hardly a sinophile, but having a sci-fi that isn’t US-focused is somewhat refreshing. It starts in ’67 in China during the Cultural Revolution, when 14 year old girls offed most of the professors, those that didn’t commit suicide themselves. So the Chinese military has to resort to employing undergrads in their projects.
Some fifty years later, and Chinese professors start to commit suicides en-masse again. This time because their worldview of fundamental physics collapses around them.
The chapters dedicated to a communist labor camp were interesting. The chapters of the Universe sending countdown to a particular scientist and the video game based on Warring Kingdoms were boring as hell.


Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson

Finished reading Mistborn.

Reminds me of Hunger Games a lot. It’s enjoyable as long as you read it, but once you stop, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Not much to add to my previous post, really. The most annoying part is how Vin simply states that “Eland is a good man” and she “loves him”. And the rebel leader makes some strategic decisions based on that. Yeah, sixteen year old girls in their first ever relationship are known to be such a good judge of character.
There are some good twists at the end:


Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson

I tried to figure out why the entire Vin/Elend Venture love story annoys me so much. And it feels like Shallan/Adolin Kholin all over again for me. Slightly damaged but oh just so slightly teenage girl falls in mutual love on first sight with a son of the most influential House. Vin, who suspects everyone, but Elend is immediately and immutably “a good person” for her.
I guess this type of Disney-level relationship works for certain people (they’re called teenagers). But not for me. Abercrombie gets it, but not Sanderson. Relationship is struggle, and without struggle there is no meaningful relationship. Relationship is compromises, and neither Vin/Shallan nor Elend/Adolin need to compromise on anything.
This frustrates me, because Sanderson does get so many things right. Like the idea of an empire stagnating. But not relationship.


Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson

An earlier series from the author of Stormlight Archives.

Interesting that it was published same year as much weaker “Lies of Locke Lamora”, that has a very similar theme of thieving crews stealing from the rich.
The world is a mix of Industrial Britain and colonial America. There’s mist at night, and there’s ash falling from the sky during the day, and most of the population are slaves, working on plantations.
There are recognizable “Witcher” elements as well: as a good-hearted middle aged assassin trains a talented 16-years old girl. Also, they are constantly drinking potions to support their superhuman abilities.
Mistborn are superhumans that get their abilities from consuming (or “burning”) metals.
You can recognize Sanderson’s style – he’s very structural in his descriptions of different abilities: which metal gives which ability, and the different combinations of those. In Stormlight Archives this structure will turn into different types of “lashings” and “spren” and all that.
On one hand, the story seems to be quite a banal combination of “coming of age” from the 16-years old perspective (“Am I a kid, or am I already a woman?” and all that), and a “Count of Monte Cristo”-like story of long-lasting revenge over some powerful people on the other.
But Sanderson wouldn’t be Sanderson if there weren’t at least some interesting twists there. The entity the heroes seek their revenge on is called just Lord Ruler, and he has ruled the Empire for thousand years. Sanderson muses that a country that is controlled by the same person for too long becomes mismanaged, because the oversights of that single person have impacts on everyone. And there’s no way of replacing someone who’s immortal. Story of any dictator.


Eye of the World, Robert Jordan

Finished Eye of the World.
A rather weak Lord of the Rings fanfic.
Pathways is basically Moria, with Black wind acting as the Balrog. Moraine even says “I hope he couldn’t pass”
And Lan is basically Aragorn, with him being a great fighter and king in exile.
The entire episode with Green Man and finally is rather nonsensical. Forsaken are introduced, we’re told they are immensely powerful, then both are killed, one of them almost by an accident. And the all powerful Dark One is killed with his entire army in a matter of few passages.


Eye of the World, Robert Jordan

I’m too old for fantasy, I guess. All those names of people and places I cannot possibly spell, like “Nine-eve” or “Emmon’s Field“.
It feels like Jordan was paid by word. Can’t count the number of times he repeats the word “gleeman”. And all those passages about a song called Drunken Peddler was called Tinker in the Kitchen in this village. Why should I care?
It’s interesting that the author split Gandalf in two: there’s Moraine, who has the magic, and then there’s Tom the Gleeman, that had the talk.
The best part of the book is actually the fables. Legend about Emmon’s Field or about the wolves, or about this “King Arthur” that hated witches is far more engaging than anything else.
Matt quickly turns into a Gollum. Just with an encrusted dagger instead of a ring.
For fantasy, there’s a certain lack of imagination. They all drink tea, and smoke tobacco. Literally tobacco. And traveling people are just gypsies. And Children of the Light are just Inquisition.


A man without a country, Kurt Vonnegut

This is a collection of essay’s from Kurt Vonnegut, that sound like an old man repeating stories he’s been telling for years.
Socialism – good. Fossil fuels – bad. Bush has a stupid family name, so he must be stupid.
Interesting that the “unelected president” narrative didn’t start with Trump. Vonnegut claims the same about Bush. Every president I don’t like is “unelected” and has “staged a coup”.
Funny how he complained about overpopulation, when he had 3 biological children. At least he adopted 4 more to balance that out.


Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut

Finished listening to Kurt Vonnegut’s “Breakfast of Champions” about a week ago.
As I mentioned, it is a non-fiction posing as a fiction, most of the fictionary stuff happening in the heads of different characters, either because they mentally ill, or write for a living.
The idea of Dwayne Hoover thinking about everyone else as “unfeeling machine” and only him having a free will is the basic concept of sociopathy. This is the definition of it, as far as I know.
The eponymous “Breakfast of Champions” is just a joke a waitress used to make when serving alcohol in the morning. Substance abuse is yet another novel’s theme.
It was an interesting read, because it’s a “zeitgeist”, a timecapsule of what social issues the author worries about exactly 50 years ago. And by far and large, those aren’t much different from today.


Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut

How much you enjoy this book depends on your patience and education. Kind of like late Terry Pratchett books.
It’s not a science fiction. No more than King’s “Hearts in Atlantis” is. And it’s packed with themes, although it glances by most of them. There’s a lot about environmentalism, and “America bad, communism good”, and homosexuality, and one of the characters is a transvestite, and mental illness caused by chemical imbalance, and all of our thinking being chemical reaction.
One of the characters is a failed scifi author, which allows for both unhealthy dose of self-irony and “story withing a story”. Most stories of that author dedicated to how America ruins ecology.


“SNUFF”, Пелевин

Все без исключения революции в нашем уркистане кончаются кровью, говном и рабством. Из века в век меняется только пропорция. А свобода длится ровно столько, чтобы успеть собрать чемодан. Если есть куда ехать.

Ему безразличны были их чувства, потому что он перестал понимать, каким образом оркская зависть может трансформироваться в его счастье.


“SNUFF”, Пелевин

Они показывали сами себе кино про других, потом делали вид, что это были новости, доводили себя до возбуждения и начинали этих других бомбить
Люди умны и проницательны. Но они с удовольствием поверят в самую гнусную ложь, если в результате им устроят хорошую жизнь. Это называется «общественный договор». Промывать мозги никому не надо — они у цивилизованного человека всегда чистые, как театральный унитаз
Внизу плохо было всем — и тем, кто любил, и тем, кого любили. Не говоря уже о том, что никто никого на самом деле не любил — орков просто притирало друг к другу бытом.
Любовь — это когда ты хочешь спасти того, кого любишь. Особенно когда это очень сложно сделать. И чем сложнее, тем сильнее любовь
Левей, в колее от колес самосвала,
Лежала большая как спутник свинья.
Спасло только то, что братки еще спали
На ватниках, сене и кучах белья
Юность в своем чистом виде встречается лишь как вспышка отраженного света в сердце того, кто утратил ее навсегда. А у тех, кто действительно юн, на уме лишь тягучие повседневные заботы, мелкая зависть, похоть да тщета
“Мужской модели только сорок два года, и съемка рядом с обнаженной женщиной могла нанести ему неизлечимую психическую травму…”
А пролезать через кровавые гениталии в возрасте ноль лет, это ему травму не нанесло?

“SNUFF”, Пелевин

Они сами должны думать о том, почему у них такая форма правления. Пусть борются за свободу. Мы им поможем с воздуха

Свободные люди не начинают войн из-за приближения менопаузы у одного-единственного актера, даже если пара телеканалов утверждает, что он всенародно любим

Поистине, искусство властителя сводится лишь к тому, чтобы как можно дольше делать вид, будто управляешь несущим тебя смерчем, презрительной улыбкой отвечая на укоры подданных, что смерч несется не туда

Музыка бывает пидорская и воинская. Когда играет пидорская, душа закрывается для света Маниту. А воинская сама есть свет Маниту. Пидорскую музыку орки извели. И теперь на просторах Уркаины слышна только воинская

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“Все свободны”, Михаил Зыгарь

Занимательное журналистское расследование о событиях середины 90ых годов в России.

Пара заметок:
Контроль над предприятиями приобретенными на залоговых аукционах покупатель получал лишь год спустя. Схему эту придумал Лифшиц. Таким образом появлялся риск, что если бы к власти пришел Зюганов, то предприятия у банкиров отобрали бы обратно.
Банки выкупали предприятия на деньги, которые предприятия у них хранили. Фактически МЕНАТЕП выкупил ЮКОС на деньги ЮКОСа.

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Why Nations Fail

Дослушал наконец-то Why Nations Fail. Прекрасное сочетание истории и экономики.

There is strong synergy between economic and political institutions. Extractive political institutions concentrate power in the hands of a narrow elite and place few constraints on the exercise of this power. Economic institutions are then often structured by this elite to extract resources from the rest of the society. Extractive economic institutions thus naturally accompany extractive political institutions. In fact, they must inherently depend on extractive political institutions for their survival. Inclusive political institutions, vesting power broadly, would tend to uproot economic institutions that expropriate the resources of the many, erect entry barriers, and suppress the functioning of markets so that only a few benefit.

The essence of the iron law of oligarchy, this particular facet of the vicious circle, is that new leaders overthrowing old ones with promises of radical change bring nothing but more of the same.At some level, the iron law of oligarchy is harder to understand than other forms of the vicious circle. There is a clear logic to the persistence of the extractive institutions in the U.S. South and in Guatemala. The same groups continued to dominate the economy and the politics for centuries. Even when challenged, as the U.S. southern planters were after the Civil War, their power remained intact and they were able to keep and re-create a similar set of extractive institutions from which they would again benefit. But how can we understand those who come to power in the name of radical change re-creating the same system?


“Big Sleep”, Raymond Chandler

Дослушал Big Sleep. Без восторгов, но для своего времени должно быть неплохо.
Интересно, что старшей сестры Vivian в книге почти и нет. От Canino героя спасает жена Eddie Mars’а. Так что в фильме это видимо все попытки Humphrey Bogart’а пристроить свою жену.
Развязку в книге и фильме так же изменили. В фильме там невнятный эпизод, в котором герой, Philip Marlowe, заставляет гангстера Mars’а выбежать по пули своих “шестерок”. В книге этой сцены вообще нет.


Читатель не тот

Автор ноет, что как только его книга попала к пиратам, ее перестали читать.

Тем временем краткое содержание книги:



“Big Sleep”, Raymond Chandler

Хорошо, что взял аудиокнигу. Читать такое было бы невыносимо скучно. Автор помешан на описаниях мебели. Каждый раз, когда герой заходит в помещение, там минуты две описания где какой стул стоял, и чем он был обит.
Ещё женщины все время что-то кусают. Свой палец, свои волосы, нижнюю губу.
Не смотря на все вышесказанное, часть идей в книге интересные. Сдача в аренду порножурналов под видом букинистских книг, к примеру. А книга то, тем временем, написана в ’39ом, когда Гитлер только “Консервы” планировал.


Why Nations Fail

Аудиокнига объясняет как боженька почему несменяемость власти – плохо для экономики, а значит и для населения.
Institutions create incentives.
Берет для сравнения Мексику и US. В Мексике, да и в Южной Америке в целом, уже была феодальная система, и испанские конкистадоры просто поставили себя во главе.
В Virginia, побег из колонии в 15ом веке карался смертью.
Во время правления Diaz’а в Мексике, которое продлилось 34 голая у большей части населения не было стремления обзаводиться собственностью, поскольку собственность в любой момент могла быть отобрана государством.


“21 Lessons for the 21st Century”, Yuval Harari

Yuval Harari хороший историк, и очень плохой футурист.
Это как последняя глава Homo Deus, которую растянули на целую книгу.
Читайте Sapience и Homo Deus.
А 21 Lessons не читайте.
Особенно сейчас, когда видно, что он промахнулся вообще со всеми своими предсказаниями.