PC Gaming

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Someone really wanted an episode where you have to infiltrate a monastery, it seems. The problem is, this kills the pacing of the game. You just led an assault on Cuman camp and chased counterfeiters. Now you have to smuggle wine and wake up in time for morning prayer. Having godly lockpicking and speech skills by that point in the game definitely helps, though.


One of the chores in the monastery is copying books, and it demonstrates well how monks were able to produce those stupid mistakes. Good luck doing better:


Another extremely helpful skill in this game is the “Headcracker” perk. A change to one-hit-kill an opponent by simply aiming to the head is huge. Saved my life many times, for example, when the three bandings still turned up on me despite me spending a week in monastery doing those stupid quests.

At this point you discover that when Sir Radzig called you “my boy”, he didn’t mean it figuratively… And all the royalty knew about it.

After that point, some quests will auto-fail, but guess you can’t get the all 🤷‍♂️

PC Gaming

Far Cry 6

It feels like people understand less and less what made Far Cry tick. Far Cry 3 had immense sense of presence. How cutscenes worked from first-person, how characters followed you with their eyes. By Far Cry 6, it’s all gone. Now your missions are presented on this sterile backdrop.

I haven’t played New Dawn much, I don’t like when I shoot someone in the head and they don’t die. But the makeshift weapon aesthetic is straight from there. Weapons are the only part Ubisoft still didn’t manage to ruin.


What they got right is, for example, that you don’t put a scope on a LMG. But you can put a laser pointer. And that the weapons you get from caches are unique and useful. In really disappointed me in Far Cry 3, when you climb some lighthouse and find absolutely nothing of value.
You also have a pet crocodile now. It’s alright. Don’t remember if Far Cry 5 had pets, and don’t care much for them. Same goes for horses, which aren’t stopped by spinkes at checkpoints.
My trouble is, that the game becomes more and more Just Cause. Now you can climb everywhere with a grappling hook, fall from anywhere with a parachute, steal an ancient Soviet tank by yourself, firing and driving it at the same time.


You pick a phone, and a car is delivered to you anywhere. Everything is so effortless, it’s not fun anymore.

PC Gaming

Kingdom Come Deliverance

The tournament quest has a surprising extension. The final contender in the tournament is a guy called Black Pete. After beating him, you meet a blacksmith in one of the villages that tells you his son once beat Black Pete too, but then succumbed to a strange illness. Time passes. Then Black Pete suddenly ambushes you, and he has a poisoned sword, one scratch and you are dead. Yeah, just like the blacksmith’s son.
Finally, I decided I had enough of sidequests, and it’s time to raid the cuman camp. It’s no slouch. There are a lot of cumans, and they see very well even in the dark and rain. I did manage to kill their captain, and burn some arrows. Not sure if you’re supposed to burn all of them or not. As I was escaping, fell in a ditch (it’s very hard to see in the dark), and a few bandits cornered me there. It didn’t end well for them, though. Not a blacksmith’s son anymore, I guess.
The siege of the bandit’s base is extremely impressive. There are arches shooting at you from the palisade (guess I had to burn both barrels of arrows, God knows how), there is a dozen of enemies and a dozen of your guys, all clashing together. There’s nothing quite like it.

PC Gaming

Kingdom Come Deliverance

One design principle the game kind of breaks is putting very dangerous actions alongside very casual actions. “Trade” is “E”, while “Pickpocket” is “Long press E”. “Mount horse” is “X”, while “Sick your dog on a guard” is “Long press X”. You are one long press away from jail.
Dog also allows to break the game in interesting manners. One of the random encounters is a knight that offers to duel you for a wager. Those knights are tough and well armoured. But if you unleash the dog during the duel, it will distract the knight, allowing you to land a few free blows.
Finally managed to beat the tourney. It’s difficult, as you have to go through 6 bouts, and it takes 15 minutes of real time non-stop. But it’s easier once you understand it’s all about riposte. Do it enough times, and you’ll chip through opponent’s health without taking damage yourself.

PC Gaming

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Got myself a dog. Dog is amazing, because it can fetch you rabbits you shot, that otherwise hard to find in the bushes, and it even can take down a boar.
At first I didn’t understand why meat you pick up from a deer or a boar appears as “stolen”. A funny bug? Then I understood that the game has concept of poaching.
One of the most important skills for a squire is… Lock picking. Everyone likes to store valuables in locked chests. And thief guild quests, sorry, millers quests, pay very well. Also, there’s a huge difference if you are fighting one enemy or two at the same time. And forget about fighting three. So if you manage to backstab one of them, you even your chances.
Game’s “perks” are more like “traits” in Fallout. Often they have not just positive, but also negative effects, like raising your strength, but lowering speech. Or they are mutually exclusive: you can’t get a stats bonus both in the wilderness and in vicinity of settlements. Given the fact that most bandits are in the wilderness, I picked the former. To be safe.
Some of the quests are timed, but it’s not clear that they are. The wounded in the Monastery die after a few days if not treated.

PC Gaming

Kingdom Come Deliverance

What I love about this game is the honest loot. You killed a Cuman with your sax? Now you get his helm, and his sword, and his shield, and even his blodied kaftan.


There’s a quest where two bandits are hunting for a stableboy who is a witness. I tried to face them head-on, and they obliterated me. Then I tried picking them one by one, but even one of them was too much. So I found their camp, killed one of them in his sleep, hid his body in case it spooks the other one, waited until night and kill the second one in the same manner. Lowly? Yes. But those were bad people.

Speaking of witnesses, at some point the game turns into LA Noire. You have to look for clues and question witnesses to find the bandits behind a raid. Which is good, because looking for clues means that I don’t need to fight, as my character is very bad at fighting at this point.


PC Gaming

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Magnificent. Unexpectedly cinematographic, with some cutscenes taking minutes and reminding me of Witcher a lot. The gameplay itself is more of a Operation Flashpoint and Gothic. With vague objectives that you can achieve in multiple ways and people that care about their property on many levels. Not only villagers will chase you if you try to steal something or pick a lock, but even standing by their house will alert them.

Some crimes are less obvious than others, though. For example, walking at night without a torch is a crime.

The fighting system is… different, and it also reminds me of Gothic in a way. You chose one of five different angles to attack from, and you defent by predicting from which angle your opponent will attack based on his stance.

Some opponents will also try to run away, and then you can choose if you want to let them go and on what conditions.


PC Gaming

Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri

Completed Terra Nova.
There are a few visual effects that I was particularly impressed with. First is the Thermal Disruptor weapon, which projects a kind of heatwave, something that would require years for a fully 3D-engine to manage.

And second, is the water reflections. Those are real time.
Also, it’s a nice touch that they designed how the pirate suit looks like from the inside, just for that single mission where you impose as a pirate.
Completing M29, where you need to protect both trucks and landing pad was no small feat. Not because there are particularly many enemies, but because you can’t be at two places at once, and your teammates are pretty useless at defending anything.
Also, the enemy gets mechs at that point, proper bipedal mechs, not the suits that you usually encounter. And tanks. Those aren’t particularly difficult, but worth noting that they are 3D models, not sprites like the suits.
The last mission is on the easier side, I’d say. Your squad is even given a superweapon, which is just a supercharged mortar, really. You blow Hegemonie’s fuel tank, together with the base, and apparently the evil Ambassador himself, although I missed how it happened.

For a game that is 30 years old, being still playable is already quite something. And despite slight jankiness, it is still a surprisingly well thought and executed game.

PC Gaming

Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri

Gameplay is brutal. Enemies died quickly, in a few seconds, but you do as well. Luckily your teammates are quite capable, and can be killed only during the storyline, otherwise they always eject to return in the next mission.

The story revolves around, you won’t believe it, Earth Hegemony waging a proxy war on its colonies using pirates. Your task force mostly tried to track a shimpment of powerful grenades (more like rockets) stolen from one of the clans, but does odd jobs as well, like helping a besieged farmer or rescuing a stranded pilot from another unit.
It’s impressive that squadmates have some mission-specific quotes as well. Nice touch.
One of the best moments is when you’re sent on another recoinsance mission just for your airship to be blown and you captured instead. Talk about plot twists!


PC Gaming

Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri

I had a demo of Terra Nova when I was a kid, and I played it through and through. Made by Looking Glass in 96, after System Shock, and before Thief.
Things I didn’t expect is full motion video cut scenes, and 13 characters with distinct specialisations and biographies.


The tactical options for 96 are incredible. Your powerarmor can launch drones that you control from a minimap for recoinsance, or you can drop autonomous turrets.

The control scheme to support this is interesting. You move with WASD, and attack with your mouse by pointing and clicking, without shifting your view. You also activate various systems, like the minimap, night vision or drone controls using your mouse. It’s a control scheme that still works almost 30 years later.
Also, it’s impressive how every mission starts with you being dropped from a troop carrier, and then it flies to pick you up.


PC Gaming

Warcraft Remastered

Completed Orc campaign as well now.
Starting as orcs is much harder. As humans, you get healing spell pretty early, allowing you to preserve your units. With orcs you get… skeletons.
Also funny how with orcs you sent to assassinate chieftain’s daughter, because she ran off with an ogre.
When I played this game as a kid, I didn’t appreciate spiders at all. Now I do. They are a great way to take out enemy catapults, and if they manage to get into the city, they do surprising damage to buildings.
The mission where you need to rescue Garona? Brutal! I did manage to complete it on my first try, but still, lost most of the units because orcs can’t heal them.
A nice trick that AI knows I wouldn’t notice if not for some YouTuber mentioning it, is that human opponent would cast Invisibility on a knight, then send him to hunt peons.
The last two missions are very similar to the Human campaign: survive until you can summons demons, then overwhelm the resistance.

PC Gaming

Warcraft Remastered

Completed Human campaign.
The game is still quite brutal, even with all the advancements in quality of life. You don’t intercept a catapult, and half of your army is dead before you know it.


Counterintuitively, putting catapults in the front of your army works surprisingly well. They are rather sturdy, and extra range allows them to counter enemies early.

Base-Profile-Screenshot-2024-11-18-22-14-23-72Funnily enough, I think that the level before last is harder than the final one. Despite tons of enemies, the base in Blackrock Spire is much easier to defend. Last two levels are basically a Water Elemental factory. You just survive until you get them, then spawn as many of them as possible, overwhelming the enemy.

I still find it awesome that they had a unique sprite for the Blackrock Spire.



PC Gaming

Warcraft Remastered

I must admit, an updated version of Warcraft wasn’t on my bingo card for 2024. But here we are.


There is updated control scheme from Warcraft 2, so you can just right click everything. You can also double click to select all units, and you can control up to 12 units at once, instead of just 4 from the original or even 9 from Warcraft 2. As a nice bonus, there is also a seamless switch between the original and updated sprites.
But there is no waypoint system, and no unit queueing either. Still, it’s a much improved experience.

PC Gaming

Wing Commander

I don’t think I ever played the first Wing Commander, so it was a surprise to me that, instead of polygons, it used sprites of ships at different angles:

PC Gaming

Torchlight Infinite

After playing Torchlight 2 for some time, I decided to give Torchlight Infinite another chance. It’s such a weird experience. The UI is completely stolen from Diablo Immortal, which is no surprise. But the heroes are very weird, as they have names and poetic descriptions instead of proper classes. What does “Frostfire Gemma Ice Fire Fusion” do? Is she a mage or some kind of elemental assassin? You won’t know until you try.


Then there are the skills. There’s basically one main skill, but with modifiers on top. Gemma’s main skill shoots three fireballs in a wide arc (yes, she is a mage). And those fireballs explode into smaller fireballs on contact. So your entire screen is covered in fireballs. And I’m yet to run out of mana in this game. Often, enemies die somewhere off screen, since the range of the fireballs is actually far beyond.
At first I thought it’s some kind of a powered up mode, and then the character will get debuffed. But no, that’s just the way the game plays.
The drops are over the top too. Bosses drop tons of items.


PC Gaming

“MECHWARRIOR 2 Lives Again! …mostly”, Review Den

Another good comparison of different MechWarrior 2 versions:

I’ve finished MechWarrior 2 twice, once the PC version, and also the PSX version, and probably will go back for MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries

PC Gaming


Storywise, I’m surprised this turned out to be a vigilante story. Junkies killed your older brother, and now you and your mysterious Accomplice are out for revenge.

The game has all the aesthetics of Hotline Miami, with hard-top-down view, but most of the mechanics from Splinter Cell: light indicator, noise indicator, five move speeds, night vision goggles.
The enemies are also very aware of their surroundings. Leave a door open, and they’ll investigate. Try to close a door while you block it, though, and it won’t. So you end up learning very quickly to close the doors carefully.

You also get to choose from three types of armor, and in general, the more stuff you carry, the more noisy you are, and the slower you move.

PC Gaming

Battle Isle

As a kid, I didn’t understand how to play this game at all. But being an old man now, and with my love to the Advance Wars series, I decided to give it another try. Now I understand why I couldn’t play it, and it’s one of the weirdest reasons.


First, the control scheme is weird, and I guess it’s that way because Amiga had a joystick. Instead of simply selecting a unit, you hold LMB then drag it into one of the four directions, and that selects what you want to do with this unit. You drag the mouse left to view unit stats, you drag it right to show the move options. Weird, but probably with joystick it made more sense.

Second, it’s a turn base strategy game, with a screen divided between you and your opponent. After reading the manual and pressing buttons, I figured out that I control both sides. I went into the options to specify that I want to play against the CPU, but there was no such option. Turns out, you need to complete a few maps in “human vs human” mode, like playing chess against yourself, before you can progress and play against CPU. Weird, weird, weird.


The game also has a strange notion of move and attack phases. Basically you can only move on odd turns and you can only attack on even turns. Your units can counterattack unlimited number of times, though.


I still like the visuals of this game. They resemble Dune 2 art style, and units have this retrofuturistic look.

Nintendo PC Gaming Switch

Castlevania Dominus Collection

Castlevania Dominus Collection released on Steam and Nintendo Switch is one less reason for me to own NDS/3DS now. Until recently, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia were all NDS exclusive. I even finished Order of Ecclesia a few years ago on 3DS. Now I’m sorry I haven’t waited for this release, as playing NDS games is often a pain: you can’t take screenshots, and the game also hung up on me a few times.
In any case, this is another chance for me to try and finish Portrait of Ruin.

PC Gaming

Mullet Mad Jack

The game pretends to be a boomer-shooter, but in fact it’s much closer to a trick-shooter such as Bulletstorm.


You start with a 10 seconds timer, and you die if the time expires. The way to extend it is by killing enemies, the more inventively you do that, the more extra seconds you get.
There are some clever references to movies and anime from the late 80’s and 90’s: Akira, Bubblegum Crysis, Terminator, to name just a few.


But the overall gameplay feels very chaotic. Even though there’s “easy mode” without a timer, it’s not very good. Levels aren’t even levels, just corridors, and you get just a single gun with infinite ammo, which you can trade or upgrade between floors.