PSP Sony

Persona 2 Innocent Sin

It might be that I played Innocent Sin and not Eternal Punishment all those years ago. Hard to remember after 15 years, and it doesn’t really matter.
The plot of both Innocent Sin revolves around rumors coming true. A topic Persona 4 will go back to with the Midnight Channel. “If you dial your own number, a Joker will appear”. Only the Joker that indeed appears to Tatsuya attempts to exact revenge on him. Frustrated that Tatsuya has no idea revenge for what, Joker disappears.
It’s interesting how battle system has devolved in later games. In Persona 2, there are attacks that are both physical and elemental. Also, Water and Earth elements were removed from later games. And some spells instead of targeting all enemies, only target enemies of the same kind.
The dialogue system is a bit wonky. The way it works is that you can speak to your team members in any order, but sometimes their reply will be to something someone else says later on.



Being an RPG from PSX era, you really need to read into what people tell you if you’re playing without a guide. There are no quest markers there.
As I mentioned, I’m not a big fan of the dialogue system in Persona games. Each character has 4 lines, that work differently for different personas. Yukki has “reason” line, so she can make “wise” persona “eager” to give you cards, with which you purchase more personas. “Foolish” persona reacts the same to Tatauya’s “Dead stare”. If it was only matter of memory, though. Personas can ask you nonsensical questions, like “is school fun?”, and the answer should also depend on the persona type. That’s where I draw the line. Luckily, the old good grind still works




Persona 4 Animation


The best part of Persona 4 was the characters and anime cutscens, and it’s true about many Atlus games. So it’s no wonder anime based on Persona 4 is actually very good. I think they also used same voice actors as the English translation of the game.


I’m not sure it’s watchable if you haven’t played the game. But if you did, the way it treats the original art, music and characters is brillaint.


First, as I read somewhere already, the protagonist now has a name, Yu Narukami, and a character, while it the game, he had none. And the way they fleshed out some character arcs is fantastic as well: mainly Yukiko and her story about a caged bird.


Also, let’s admit, the fights in Persona are nothing special, personas are basically a bag of spells with a shaby animation. Here, Izanagi, Yu’s persona, has some cool fight scenes.


PS4 Sony

Persona 4

Completed Persona 4. For good, this time.
Getting True Ending is not as much pain-in-the-ass, as it’s not obvious at all. On the last day you need to visit a few locations without any good reason or hints in a particular order.
The final plot twists is good, though, I admit. Speaking of “playing the long game”. The real villain is the guy at the fuel station, the one you meet on your first minute of the game and shake hands with. By shaking hands he grants you the power to enter TVs. Only that’s not a “he”, but a “she”, death goddess Izumi. Yeah, the same death goddess you’ve been told about somewhere mid-game during a school trip to the school from Persona 3.
The final fight resembles Persona 3 a lot. Same grotesque female shape, same theme of unbeatable foe that falls to the Power of Friendship. I liked how the music themes are mixed to sound more epic.

I don’t like the Fusion mechanics much, but I still fused Belzebub for the final battle, one of the Personas that require 6 personas to fuse, and it’s epic:

As a visual novel, the plot has to many holes. As a dating sim, the sudden time skips are annoying and prevent enjoying it without a guide. And as a dungeon crawler, the fights are too tedious, with some enemies having no weaknesses or constantly healing, and the boss battles too unpredictable, and beatable only if you died multiple times and have memorized the phases.
But with all those flaws, it’s still a great game. Kind of what it tries to teach you: that you need to bridge the gaps to build something great.

PS4 Sony

Persona 4

The Magatsu dungeon is just tiring. Full of enemies that have no weaknesses and tons of HP.


You can never clear a floor in Persona 4, new Shadows will continue to spawn. But this is where it gets ugly.
It’s also annoying how the game skips a couple of weeks after Ameno-sagiri fight. Because half of the game is basically a dating sim, and you have two actions each day, you miss a lot of interactions that way without being warned.

I also missed Marie dungeon, because my social link was 9 out of 10 😬
But I’ve read that it’s annoying as hell anyway.


PS4 Sony

Persona 4

By December things get dramatic. Nanako, the protagonist 7 years old niece, gets kidnapped. Her father and protagonist’s uncle gets badly injured chasing the suspect. Fog descends on the town. After being rescued, Nanako dies in the hospital.
Unfortunately, that’s where the game starts to get annoying too. In order to get the true ending, you need to pick not obvious dialogue lines, such as “I don’t know about that”, while the gang discusses if they should lynch Nanako’s kidnapper by throwing him into the TV World.
Teddy disappears, but Nanako recovers. Turns out that the first two victims where kidnapped by someone else. And Nanatame, the suspect, was throwing people into the TV World because he believed they’d be safe there from the real killer.
The problem with those investigation mechanics is that there are long dialogs preceding them. And if you fail, you get one of the bad endings, and endless credits, so I just end up restarting the game every time that happens. And I don’t remember 20 characters by their Japanese names, so that did happen.


Persona 3 Reload

Discovered that unlike Persona 4, which is a port with a few enhancements, Persona 3 was completely remade on PS4, apparently using Persona 5 engine.
It’s unlikely that will ever play this version, though, despite not remember much about the original game. I do remember that the choice of companions annoyed me immensely: a kid, a dog and a robot, to name a few.

PS4 Sony

Persona 4 Golden

A third body is discovered: sleazy homeroom teacher of the protagonist. This is surprising, since he never appeared on TV, unlike all the other victims, and apparently wasn’t even thrown into the TV-world. But then as the characters point out, since they managed to rescue the last three potential victims, the killer has decided that simply throwing them into the TV-world is not efficient anymore.
Another twist is that Teddie is not only able to come out of the TV-world, but also acquires a human shape in the human world.

The game tries to convince us that the killer is Mitsuo, a creepy teenager that approached Yukiko at the very start of the game.


His dungeon is literally a 80s JRPG dungeon, with pixelated walls, and the endboss is that cubic hero character. This boss is much harder that previous ones, attacking twice each turn.


PS4 Sony

Persona 4 Golden

Second big dungeon is a men-only public bathhouse. Kanji is a though guy that is struggling with his homo/bi sexuality. A bold theme for a JRPG for teenagers.

After the rescue, Yosuke keeps making jokes about his uncertain sexuality throughout the game:


The next victim is Rise, a local teenage popstar. Her dungeon is a strip-club, because she gets to expose too much of her working as a model. And the boss is literally a huge pole-dancer.
Persona-4-GOLDEN-20240530224619-mp4-001251-771 Persona-4-GOLDEN-20240530224619-mp4-001442-882
The fight while not difficult in itself, turns out to be a double-boss battle, as Teddie discovers he also has a persona. This is interesting. Aegis from Persona 3, a cyborg, was given personality in order to acquire a Persona.



PS4 Sony

Persona 4 Golden


That’s my second or even third time trying to play Persona 4. It’s not bad or anything, just long.
The only bit that annoys me is the fact that character mouths are not moving.
The premise is that people start to get sucked into their TVs at night, where they have to face their Shadow, the dark self. And if they die, they die in the real world too.

The problem with the game is same as Persona 3. And honestly, with most shin Megami Tensei games. When your entire combat system is built around exploiting enemy weakness with magic, once you run out of mana, it becomes boring. And since characters are designed to compliment each other, once one character runs out of SP, you may as well end the run. Although SP recovery items seem a little less of a problem than in PS4 version than in the original PS2 release.

Nintendo Switch

Persona 5

Although I dislike the theme of masked vigilantes, I must admit that the game is phenomenal.
We play as a teenager that tried to stop a rapist, but instead got sued by him and now on probation.

He’s bestowed with a magical app on his phone that allows him to visit Palaces: places that evil people build inside their minds. And if he’s able to steal their Treasure, it will cure them. Potentially also make them brain dead, but it’s one evil person less anyway.

The most annoying part is that they brought back the persona dialog system from Persona 2. To get a new persona you first need to crit it, then you need to persuade it to join by guessing a right answer to a very vague question.




Persona 4

Система Social Link’а стала еще интересней. Если в Persona 3 тебе просто рассказывали какую-то историю, и ускоряли развитие персон определенной школы, то тут похоже Social Link с боевыми товарищами дает уникальные способности. Первый, к примеру, позволяет персонажу умереть вместо главного героя. Так же наконец-то можно управлять не только главным героем, но и остальными персонажами. Меньше хаоса и рандома.


Persona 4

Главный герой – старшеклассник. И то счастье, что не малолетка. Приезжает к своему дяде, детективу, в какой-то захолустный город. И проверяя городскую легенду проваливается в телевизор. И застряет, потому что телевизор в его комнате слишком маленький. Тогда он идет в торговый центр с друзьями, и проваливается в другой телевизор, побольше. Когда в последний раз безумный игровой сюжет приводил меня в такой восторг? Думаю, Psychonauts. Но это просто гениально. Снимаю шляпу.


Persona 3

Прошел Persona 3.
Не думал, что мне это удасться. Счетчик показывает 120 часов. Хотя на самом деле там скорее около 40ка. Но все равно очень долгая игра. Особенно по моим меркам.
Под конец систему внезапно прорывает, и герои начинают получать сразу очень много опыта. Гринд становится вольготным и приятным. Во всяком случае на некоторое время.
Бесконечно выручает меч, получаемый из Surt’а. Он бьет огнем, а на финальных этапах у кучи противников к нему уязвимость.


Persona 3

Чем дальше, тем больше тупого гринда. Это же Atlus. Все упирается в первую очередь в уровень главного героя. Низкий уровень – нет возможности создать нужных персон. Без нужны персон не пройти тех же Stasis Giant. При этом сложность продолжает скакать. После них идут три минибосса, которые наоборот, проходятся с закрытыми глазами.


Persona 3

Чуть ли не самая полезная персона 40ых уровней – Incubus. Мало того, что у него крайне полезное сочетание огня и холода. Так еще в сочетание с Succubus’ом он дает Dreamfest, позволяющий заcharm’ить даже некоторых минибоссов.


Persona 3

Подзастрял на минибоссе-столике, который Sleeping Table. От его атаки невозможно защититься, и бьет она сразу по всем. Две такие атаки подряд гарантированно выносят всех персонажей. Будь это какая-нибудь бездушная CRPG, я наверняка искал бы какую-нибудь изощренную тактику. Но это же высокодуховное творение японцев! По этому решение – долго нудно качаться, и использоваться кольцо, увеличивающее HP. И надеяться, что Столик не выкинет две такие атаки подряд. Рандом и гринд, два лика JRPG.


Persona 3

Конечно игра просто не могла обойтись без малолетнего дебила, в смысле, компаньона. Хотя бы это не говорящий кот с помпоном. И на том спасибо.
“We adults are to blame”. А жаль, вроде неплохие диалоги же были, для японской поделки.
А после этого детсада, внезапно, трансвестит на пляже!


Persona 3

К июню наконец-то дают выбирать членов команды, а не “есть что есть”.
Генерация Персон обставлена крайне неудобно. Не показывают, к примеру, при помощи каких персон можно создать уже известную. Мне нужен Jack Frost, что мне теперь, в wiki лезть, чтобы его еще раз создать?
Что меня в игре убивает, так это ее однообразие. Каждый игровой месяц – сражение с боссом. Каждые одиннадцать этажей башни – минибосс.


Persona 3

Из положительного – однажды открытых Персон можно закупать за деньги, после того, как оригинальную персону за’fusion’ил с другой. Не нужно запоминать, на каких этажах какие Персоны водятся.
Девять-одиннадцать этажей без чекпоинта – это конечно задротство. Хорошо еще, что подземелья генерируются рандомально (хорошо ли?), так что путь наверх зачастую оказывается очень близко от точки входа.


Persona 3

Живо вспомнил, почему я не играл в игры от Atlus. Это даже не просто гринд, это тупо гринд и рандом. Дошел до первого босса, который chariot. Он может два раза подряд ударить молниями, на которые у одного из трех персонажей уязвимость. И все. При этом персонажей менять еще нельзя. А потом еще лучше – просто наталкиваешься на стену. В буквальном смысле. Путь вверх забарикадирован, и нужно ждать, когда его разбарикадируют по сюжету. А пока – тренироваться на кошках.