PSX Sony

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

Completed Persona 2 Eternal Punishment.

Of course there is another Xibalba golden temple, called here Torifune. I’m not sure if it’s more annoying than the one in Innocent Sin or slightly less. There are unavoidable traps, which I consider a bad design choice, but the dungeon is slightly shorter.

The nice thing about Eternal Punishment is there are some unique abilities to the character-specific personas, with dedicated animations, that makes them feel special, and really burn through enemies.
There is a system of registering and duplicating spell cards in this game. In later games, this will be replaced with registering and resummoning personas.

Despite beating the final boss on my second try, I still consider it quite ridiculous. I had to resurect characters 40 times, as he continuously smashes all characters for 3/4 of their life.
But hey, my characters were level 69-71, while a guide I read later suggest them to be 80-90 😆

Overall, I think it’s a shame they decided to split the game into two parts. Innocent Sin had a compeling story that ended with a cliffhanger, but the sequel is mostly the same ideas, with more dungeon grinding on top.

PSX Sony

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

The game tries very hard to tie-in the first Persona, something Innocent Sin never attempted to do. I never played Persona 1, so all those Guido and The Boy With an Earing don’t mean anything to me.


After the Underwater Temple, Ellen leaves the party (no big loss, although that could be said about most characters in this game), and Tatsuya joins. Now we have Katsuya and Tatsuya, great! Tatsuya explains that he’s the conciense of Tatsuya from The Other Side in a body of Tatsuya from This Side. Although technically This Side is the Other Side 😆
At least he arrives leveled enough, while all my other characters seem to be constantly underleveled, as no matter how much I grind, it still doesn’t seem to be enough.
Finally discovered what the different metals are for: summoning unique personas. And those are used automatically, when you reach around level 50.

PSX Sony

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

The Sea Cruiser and Underwater Temple sequence is… punishing. I’m glad Innocent Sin taught me to always stock on HP and MP items to the max. Still, the Underwater Temple is full of trapped floors that make you repeat the same sequence over and over again. And unlike trapped floors in Innocent Sin, those are only visible on the minimap.
During fight with Chizuru in the temple, I simply got lucky. Persona 2 loves the “shell game” mechanic. Boss summons 4 clones, then swaps places with one. Clones have some reflective properties, either a particular element or like in this case all of them. You need to guess which is the real one, and once you do, clones disappear, then the process repeats itself. Chizuru also casts Rage, which doubles the physical damage, but makes character attack at random. Which is usually deadly, as 4 out of 5 enemies would reflect the double damage right back. But this time, it simply worked in my favour, finishing the boss off.

PSX Sony

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

They tought that the burning museum episode was great, apparently, so you have to do it again. Yes, PSX version also has the heatwave effect, although it’s not that good. Don’t know if they made it easier, or I simply knew the trick, but I did manage to complete this without a problem in 10 minutes instead of 30.
The game makes very little sense without Innocent Sin, as at one point Maya asks if anyone could hear a girl: as she rescued the Cosplayer in the Other World there. And then Tatsuya flies the zeppelin, saying “he seen how it’s done once”. It’s Maya from the Other World that showed him.

PSX Sony

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

This game takes place in an alternative version of the world known as The Other Side, and the main protagonist is now Maya. In this world Jun’s father is alive, so Jun is not the Joker, and Joker is much simpler – just killing the people you wish would be dead.

Contact system was slightly reworked, now each character has just one phrase, so there’s less guesswork. But the PSX version doesn’t have the mood tracker PSP version had, so you have to remember how many times the persona has already reacted.
Another thing PSX version doesn’t have is the persona compatibility indicator, so you have to remember how many MP persona usually costs, and how many MP is required when you equip it on a character.

In this world, King Leo is not just an arsonist, but a serial murderer. He’s also the son of a minister, so he’s admitted to an asylum, until becoming Joker and getting superpowers.

Emulation PSP PSX Sony

Persona 2 Innocent Sin

I’ve played Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, which uses the same engine and shares some of the characters, but not the original, probably because PSX version wasn’t officially translated. Luckily the PSP version is.
I decided to compare both versions, and it’s interesting that in order to accomodate PSP wider screen they distanced the camera a little. No 4:3 black borders, but the character sprites look a bit muddier, because the scale is not as precise.

PSX Sony

Mega Man X4

Since Zero playthrough went so well, I decided to give X a try, although I always found him more difficult. Maybe I was wrong. What you do need, though, is to remap your controls: I put dash on left bumper, regular attack on right trigge and special attack on right bumper. Because you need them all at the same time. How people play with default mapping is beyond me.

X’s regular attack is basically a peashooter, but his fully charged attack is quite good. And since his attacks are ranged, the bosses I struggled with as Zero, such as Spider and Stringray, are much more manageable. You still need to master the evade for the Spider, though.
The playthrough this time was Dragon, because always start with Dragon, then Walrus, as he’s still vulnerable to fire, unlike Peacock, then Spider, then Stingray, which is easy with Walrus’ weapon.
Colonel is still vulnerable to Ice, for some reason, just like with Zero.
Then both Mushroom is vulnerable to Spider’s web, and Lion to Stingrays. And Owl fight with Peacock’s weapon is laughable.
Overall, I feel like X gameplay is much easier than Zero, because his weapons realy exploit their weaknesses. During the General fight, which I found to be thoughtest with Zero, I literally took no damage with X.

First two phases of Sigma are also easy. Third one is just… long. Unlike the first two phases, this one doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses. So you just go through the annoying phases over and over until it dies.
It is more than 5 minutes of real time. I know, because I recorded only last 5 minutes of it.

I had to pause the game to give my fingers a rest at one point.
But now, I can say I’ve done it. Finished Mega Man X4, 28 years later 😆

PSX Sony

Mega Man X4

Completed Mega Man X4 with Zero, fulfilling my childhood dream, one might say.
While Colonel is manageable, Zero against the General is another story. His only vulnerable part is the head, but touching it, or any other part of the body hurts Zero. I had to backtrack to get the second energy tank, and refill it in the Walrus stage, and beat Iris again just to be ready for this fight.

Then you need to beat the 8 animal bosses again. This sounds terrifying, but there are a few caveats to that challenge. You do get to replenish some life between the fights, and if you die, you don’t need to repeat the gauntlet all over, the killed bosses stay dead.

The final boss is all-in-all not that hard. First phase is extremely predictable. Second phase requires some well timed wall jumps, but still doable. The only challenge is to have enough life for the third phase. And the third phase is total random. I got lucky with the “alien” shooting above Zero’s head over and over.

Emulation Nintendo PSX Sony Switch

Mega Man X4

I always had a special relationship with Mega Man X4. It was the first Mega Man game I’ve seen, because for a strange reason, it was ported to PC. But also, many years later, while trying Mega Man X3 and Mega Man X5 I understood that it hit the sweet spot of looking amazing, unlike X3 which still had SNES era visuals, but still having solid core gameplay, unlike X5.

What I didn’t understand as a kid is that Dragoon literally screams “hadouken” and “shouryuken”, because his moveset is basically Ryu/Ken from Street Fighter.


For some strange reason, Mega Man X Legacy Collection on Switch doesn’t have save states. I rarely use them nowadays, but Mega Man without them is still brutal.
My path is Dragon, which can be beaten with exosuit, and I think that’s the easy choice. Then Peacock, turned out to be easy as well with the fire sword. Then Walrus, for obvious reasons.

Then Lion, you just need to dodge the stomps. And Stingray, despite being weak to the Walrus weapon, can also be taked out with a saber, you can jump safely underneath.

The most trouble, I had with the spider. You need to dash-jump to avoid the homing webs, and even then, I feel that sometimes it’s very hard to do, as his position is quite random.

With Spider weapon, Mushroom is easy. And I left Owl for the last, although with Peacock’s weapon, I could have done it much sooner.

PSX Sony

Need for Speed High Stakes (PSX)

Impressed that the upgrades actually alter the car looks a bit:

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It’s nice that until the final tournament, you don’t have to grind money at all. It’s just all natural progression. For the final tournament that requires 500K cars though, you will have to grind a bit. Here’s the funny part, though. You can either do the Grand Touring Competition tournament for a 100K prize, or the International Supercar Series tournament for a 175K prize. But, the second tournament is much, much harder: the cars like Lamborghini Diablo SV and Ferrari F50 are very prone to losing control, and quite a few tracks have rain conditions, which only worsens the situation. This tournament is not fun. At all. Instead, you can literally cruise through the first tournament on the Ferrari 550, and get what you want with less effort, and less real-time.
The last tournament takes place on a completely new set of tracks. And although McLaren F1 GTR is a beauty to behold, PSX aesthetics aside, and a pleasure to drive, I feel like this tournament requires to much planning for me to care.


PSX Sony

Need for Speed High Stakes (PSX)

PSX version of High Stakes misses quite a lot compared to PC version. There’s no cockpit view. The weather effects are almost non existing. Just 4 leagues and no modes besides Tournament. So, it’s a High Stakes without the “High Stakes”.
But it has a few advantages as well. First, lighting is surprisingly better than on PC. Especially lens flares. And upgrades actually make a difference in this version, making it more playable that the brutal PC version.

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PC Gaming PSX Sony

Need for Speed High Stakes

I fondly remember Need for Speed 4 from my childhood. I had a friend who was really good at this game, unlocked all the cars, while I always was terrible at racing games, so I didn’t even manage to complete the first tournament race.
So, I decided to revisit it. And it is still brutal. You need to pay entrance fee for most tournaments. You car gets damaged and needs repairs. To compete in eponymous “High Stakes” race, where you stake your car against opponents, you need an extra car.
At first I thought that upgrades, tucked away in one of the menus, will help. But it’s quite pointless, since opponent cars are upgraded as well.
Some of the tracks are extrucicating. With 8 laps, they take 15 minutes of real time. And this is before modern racing features such as time rewind and guidelines.

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PSX Sony

Re-Loaded (PSX)

Gaming as a kid in the ’90s was a very confusing experience. Most of the information I’ve got was from game magazines, featuring a game on the cover, that would be hopefully reviewed or at least previewed in the issue.
One of the magazines I proudly owned had Re-Loaded on its cover. But I never actually played the game, and a few seconds of gameplay I’ve seen many years later gave me an impression it’s trash. Now, I can finally confirm my suspicion.

First of all, it turns out to be a sequel of another game I’ve never seen called Loaded. The gameplay is Chaos Engine like, with multiple characters to pick from, each with a regular and a special attack. The characters and enemies are prerendered, but the levels are 3D, with multiple levels of elevations.

One of the main issues with gameplay is that enemies movement is not discreet, but weapons are. Meaning enemies would run at you at an angle you can’t hit them at all.

The only feature of note is that some enemies will try to roll rocks at you from above. Adding insult to injury, from the 3rd level onward, most of the enemies shoot at you, turning the game into bullet hell.

This is all topped with what was considered in the 90’s as “edgy humor”. One of the characters is a cannibal, another is a crossdresser, the planet is named Kee-Butt (such laughs), and so on.

PSX Sony

Tomb Raider (1996)

Забавно, что я всегда считал, будто Tomb Raider выходил и на N64, а я его просто не видел. Оказывается, версию для N64 в свое время отменили.
Непривычно, что Лара не цепляется за ledge’и во время прыжка. Для этого нужно зажать отдельную кнопку.

Поскольку у PSX в то время еще не было аналоговых стиков, камерой можно вращать лишь стоя на месте. Интересно, что Лара поворачивает свою голову вслед за камерой.

Побегал пол часика, но поиск рычагов, которые еще и не нажимаются как следует (нужно стоять точно напротив рычага, иначе нет) меня в итоге задолбал.

Плюс там весьма странная система автоприцеливания, когда иногда попадаешь, иногда нет.
Еще смотрел тут видеопрохождение на YouTube’е, и YouTube обычно некоректно растягивает 4:3 изображение до 16:9. Так вот, в 16:9 у Лары как раз фигура нормальной женщины (за исключением талии, конечно).

А какие у вас воспоминания о том самом Tomb Raider’е из 96го?

Emulation PSX Sony

Cardinal Syn

Леворезьбовый 3D файтинг, пытающийся подражать Soul Edge, который, тем не менее, не лишен своих достоинств. Многие наверняка помнят Cardinal Syn по арене с вагонетками.
Нужно понимать, что многие 3D файтинги использовали hazard’ы в аренах, или механику ring out’а. Но в Cardinal Syn эти hazard’ы, во-первых, зачастую посреди арены, а не по ее краям. А во вторых, они весьма рандомальны. Где-то те самые проезжающие вагонетки, где-то из бойниц стреляют арбалеты. На одной из арен там poison effect, если упадешь в одну из зеленых луж. Плюс, арены еще и асимметричны, что конечно чисто в плане фантазии, очень круто.

Вот что затем перекочует если не во все mainstream файтинги, то в более поздние Soulcalibur, это armor break’и. Блок тут абсолютный, но до поры до времени, пока не сломается щит. И тогда даже в блоке начинаешь получать повреждения.
Еще тут есть powerup’ы. Их нужно выбивать из сундуков. Там лечилки, double damage, и кажется еще магическая атака. Выбивать магические атаки на моей памяти приходилось только в Golden Axe: Duel, о котором я уже как-то писал.
Боевая система еще на удивление сильно вдохновлялась Virtua Fighter, c его напрыгами на лежачего. Это было и в Soul Edge, и в Tekken, конечно, но именно в таком исполнении, Virtua Fighter 2 ближе всего, на мой взгляд.

Еще, долгое время был уверен, что мое зрение играет со мной шутки, но нет. На раненом персонаже тут действительно появляется кровь. Обычно файтинги таким не заморачиваются. А тут такое внимание, в файтинге 98го года.

Играется Cardinal Syn все еще на удивление неплохо. Не идеально, конечно, но хотя бы можно до босса дойти.

Emulation PSX Sony

Nuclear Strike

Разобравшись с версиями, можно немного поговорить о том, чем эта игра замечательна, и чем не очень.
Nuclear Strike, это далекий сиквел широко известного Desert Strike. Фактически, аркада про вертолет. Но для аркады про вертолет тут очень много внимания к деталям.
Первая миссия, нужно спасти заложника, сидящего в бамбуковой клетке, и отвезти его к ждущей для эвакуации подлодке. Видно, как с подлодки спускаются два пехотинца, и уносят клетку с собой.

Еще тут прямо по ходу миссии включается FMV с актерами:

Emulation PSX Sony


В начале 2000ых я коллекционировал игры для PSX. И короче PopoRogue лежала у меня в коллекции с 2008го года, если не раньше. И я ее ни разу так и не запускал. Да, мне заняло 12 лет запустить эту чертову игру.
Основная причина, по которой я ее никогда не запускал – эту игру так никогда и не перевели на английский. Единственный существующий перевод, о котором мне известно – это текстовой файл, написанный каким-то учителем английского, который преподавал в японской школе, насколько я понял.

Emulation PSX Sony

War Gods

Играл в эту игру как-то в торговом центре, году этак в 97ом. Даже дошел не то до самого босса, не то близко. Теперь понимаю, что там видимо была выставлена наименьшая сложность. Поскольку сейчас я и третий бой закончить не могу.
В любом случае, это такая попытка Midway сделать Mortal Kombat в 3D, задолго до Mortal Kombat 4. Пятикнопочная боевая система, как в Mortal Kombat. Подсечки и имба-апперкоты, как в Mortal Kombat. И даже кривоватые анимации кажется взяли оттуда. Но теперь в 3D, так что можно еще делать перекаты.
Ничего не напоминает, кстати?

Ring out’а нет, но арены и не бесконечные. Просто упираешься в невидимую стену.
Играется это все отвратительно. Как я уже не раз писал, в трехмерных файтингах самое дорогое – это анимации. Тут анимации дешевые. Если какой-нибудь Soul Edge, или даже Tekken 3, хорошо играются и сейчас, то в War Gods сейчас играть решительно невозможно.

Emulation PSX Sony


Еще одна игра, демо которой будоражило мое воображение в детстве. Задумка действительно довольно крута. Ты управляешь гибридом подводной лодки и катера, сражаешься с крейсерами и огромными подводными лодками, все дела.
По факту же, играть в это абсолютно невозможно. Противников слишком много, тебе без конца прилетает отовсюду, на экране творится какой-то жуткий хаос.
По сюжету там кстати русские гнобят японцев, а какой-то мятежный русский генерал вообще хочет зачем-то устроить глобальный катаклизм.

Emulation PSX Sony


В демо, кстати, была третья миссия, в псевдо-Камбоджии, где нужно спасать заложников.
Мне хотелось бы сказать что я вообще не понимаю, как я это демо проходил. Но я отлично понимаю. Запоминая местоположение врагов и расстреливая их вслепую, по памяти.
Прошел миссий шесть, где-то, и окончательно задолбался. Там серьезные проблемы с chip damage от пулеметов, когда они почти гарантированно тебя да подранят, а поскольку их много, ты в итоге хорошо, если завершишь миссию полуживым. Оружия вроде противовоздушных ракет и вызова A-10 крайне ограниченны, так что всю игру ездишь с одной пушкой и пулеметом. И миссии в итоге очень нудные – в очередной раз уничтожать 27 складов мне надоело.