PS4 Sony

Persona 4 Golden

By September maximized my relationship with Yosuke, which has double benefits: the character gets their ultimate persona to use in battle, and you get one of the ultimate personas to fuse.

The best storyline so far is by Yumi, a girl that tries to reconcile with her dying father whomlwft her family for another woman:

On a schooltrip we meet Chihiro from Persona 3, who’s now in her final year. Which means that the game is set a year or two after the events of Persona 3. I haven’t thought before that those games even happen in the same universe.

I was completely blown by the fact that they have special portraits for when the party gets drunk in a nightclub.


PS4 Sony

Persona 4 Golden

A third body is discovered: sleazy homeroom teacher of the protagonist. This is surprising, since he never appeared on TV, unlike all the other victims, and apparently wasn’t even thrown into the TV-world. But then as the characters point out, since they managed to rescue the last three potential victims, the killer has decided that simply throwing them into the TV-world is not efficient anymore.
Another twist is that Teddie is not only able to come out of the TV-world, but also acquires a human shape in the human world.

The game tries to convince us that the killer is Mitsuo, a creepy teenager that approached Yukiko at the very start of the game.


His dungeon is literally a 80s JRPG dungeon, with pixelated walls, and the endboss is that cubic hero character. This boss is much harder that previous ones, attacking twice each turn.
